Why Do You Need To Keep Your Feet Healthy?

Healthy habits lead to healthy living. From a proper diet to a proper skincare routine, we all try our best to our body hygienic and healthy as much as possible. But since the world is running a different kind of race every single day, there is something that we miss out very frequently. That is to take care of our feet. Yes! You read that right. Our feet are responsible to handle our body weight and help us fulfil our daily tasks effectively. It is very important to make sure that our feet are smooth, supple, hygienic and healthy at the end of the day. 

So, let us begin with us some basics about foot care: 

- Caring for our body is important but caring for our feet is very important irrespective of your age, gender, occupation, geographical location and daily schedule. 

- You just need to dedicate 10-15 minutes of your day for a footcare routine 

- Keep checking your feet regularly for any kinds of bruises or cuts. In case of any such instances, make it a point to visit a doctor and get it examined. 

- Use branded or medicated products only for your feet. 

- Wear comfortable shoes, especially if you have a lot of travelling involved in your everyday schedule. 

Now that you know what to do and what not to do, let us have a look at all the products that you can add into your foot care routine to get healthy and happy feet. 

1. Foot Soak – Foot soaks the initial stage of your foot care routine. They are a beautiful blend of essential oils that relaxes all your muscles, hydrates the skin and soothe all your pains and aches. Plus, it prevents the bacteria to settle into your blisters, toenails, and cuts. All you have to do is take 1-2 tablespoons of Foot Soak in a tub of warm water and place your feet in it for about 15-20 minutes. Remove your feet and wipe them thoroughly. There are various foot soaks available in the market, but my personal favourites are: 

Vedic Line Foot Soak with Tea Tree Oil which comes for Rs 140 for 125ml and Vedic Line Antibacterial Foot Soak With Tea Tree Oil which is priced at Rs 450 for 500ml. 



2. Foot Crystals -  Foot crystals are quite similar to foot soaks but the basic difference is of the form of the product. Foot soaks are liquid in consistency whereas the foot crystals are a combination of various ingredients in the form of crystals. The crystals are known to relax your veins, improve the blood circulation to your feet and remove the dry skin. You just have to take a tablespoon of crystals and mix it in a tub of warm water. Put in your fit and relax for about 20 minutes. 

The best foot crystals that I have used till date is the Deyga Organics Foot Crystals which are priced at Rs 250 for 200gm. They come in 2 different variants – Lime & Peppermint and Berry & Peppermint. 


3. Foot Scrub – Just like we exfoliate our facial skin and body, our feet also deserve the magic of exfoliation. That is why foot scrubs should be a part of your footcare routine. It helps reducing pain, removing dead skin, makes your feet smooth and fresh. But you must keep it in mind that exfoliation always works best when done only twice a week. Over exfoliation is never a good idea and may lead to some serious damage out there. 

Although you will find various foot scrubs in the market, if my recommendations are considered here a few that you must check out: 

Mcaffeine Coffee Foot Scrub which comes for Rs 395 for 50gm and the coffee extracts work wonders on your feet. Plus, the rich aroma of raw coffee is going to make the process even better. 


The Beauty Butter Co Menthol Foot Scrub is priced at Rs 400 for a tub of 160gms and you are absolutely going to love it!


4. Foot Cream - 
The most important and effective product of the routine is definitely the foot cream which is the provider of nourishment and hydration to your feet. It helps to prevent cracks and corns on your feet as well as protects the skin from any kind of bacterial or fungal infection. So no matter what happens, never miss out on the foot cream any day. 

The best foot creams that I have personally used are: 

Himalaya Herbals Footcare Cream which comes in a 20gm tube and is priced at Rs 50 only. This is a holy grail product and I fell in love with this cream due to its efficiency at an affordable price. 


Vaadi Herbals Foot Cream with Clove Oil and Sandalwood which comes in two different sizes. The 30gm tub is priced at Rs 56 and the 150gm tub costs Rs 190. This product is also equally efficient and affordable that works wonders for your feet with regular use. 


Deyga Organics Foot Butter is a magical blend of coconut oil, olive oil, beeswax and Vitamin E oils that nourish your feet effectively. The 50ml tub comes at Rs 450 and is totally worth each penny! 


There is no denying to the fact that our lives are getting extremely packed with work and more work every day. We barely get time to relax and pamper ourselves. But that is the biggest reason why we should indulge into self-love and self-rejuvenation. It is high time that we understand that nobody is going to take care of us like the way we can do for it ourselves. In order to go ahead in life, good health, proper hygiene and self-love are extremely crucial. So, next time when you say that you do not have time for skincare and footcare routines, think twice before its too late! 

Let me know in the comment section how you like this blog and share your views about foot care. 

Until Next Time 

Happy Foot Care!    




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